Invited Speaker:Dr. Jenthe Verstraelen,University of Antwerp (UA), NANOlab, Antwerpen, Belgium

Wednesday 17/01/2024 12:00-14:00

Location:FORTH Seminar Room: C. Fotakis

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) is a powerful tool for investigating the structural and electronic
properties of materials at the nanoscale. In recent years, the integration of 2D materials as sample substrates
in TEM has attracted significant attention due to their unique properties. Graphene and hexagonal boron
nitrate (h-BN) stand out as exceptional substrates for a diverse set of TEM applications.
The first part of the lecture addresses the exceptional structural, electronic and chemical properties of both h
BN and graphene, emphasizing their specific advantages like their atomic thickness, high thermal stability and
chemical inertness. These features make both graphene and h-BN ideal substrates for supporting sensitive
specimens during TEM analysis, reducing background noise and preventing unwanted interactions that may
alter the intrinsic characteristics of the sample.
The second section explores the impact of two dimensional substrates on imaging resolution and contrast
enhancement in TEM. Moreover, the structural and conductive properties of h-BN and graphene can alleviate
radiation damage, allowing for prolonged observation of electron beam sensitive materials.
The third section explores the promise of graphene and h-BN in facilitating in-situ experiments within the
TEM environment. Researchers can exploit the stable and inert nature of both 2D materials to study dynamic
processes, such as phase transitions, chemical reactions, and mechanical deformations with unprecedented
clarity and precision in their native environment.